Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Award! Stuffing Pillow Corners and This is Organized?

What's that saying about the plans of mice and men? It obviously applies to women, too.
My hairdresser called to postpone my appointment until tomorrow. She basically overcooked herself in a tanning bed last night and is in a lot of pain. She said she is red all over, from her top (literally) to her bottom (literally) and all she can do is lay on her bed with nothing touching her skin. Ouch! I hope she considers seeing a doctor.
But I have news and I have pictures! Thanks, Deb , for passing your "I (Heart) Your Blog" Award on to me! I love awards and am so honored whenever someone (electronically) hands one to my blog!
Here are the rules of this award.
1. The receiver can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you mentioned.
The seven bloggers I nominate are:
Cynthia at Rust and Splinters, Tomboy at a Day in the Life of a Tomboy, Margo at Margo's Junkin' Journal, Karla at Karla's Cottage, Bebe at Bebe's Peaches and Dreams, Kim at Dear Daisy Cottage, and last but not least, Jenn, the Thrift Shop Romantic.
There are many other bloggers I visit daily, including the ones above. But I'm limited to seven and hope you (they) understand.
I told you previously that I've been making accent pillows. While I was working on one this afternoon, it dawned on me that I should share a pillow-making tip with those of you who are interested. It has to do with pillow corners. You know how hard it is to get the stuffing to stay in those corners? Here's a secret: Before you turn your pillow inside-out, stitch a bit of stuffing on to the outside margin of the corner. Then, turn it and stuff it as usual.
Finally, these last pictures are for Deb, who used to think she had the messiest craft room around. Then she saw mine and quickly let me know that I "won" that distinction. Okay, keep in mind that what you are about to see is still (a) a work in progress, (b) getting organized but not necessarily neater, (c) not the entire room because I'm barely halfway finished and (d) that it has taken me several weeks to get this far (which gives you an idea of how large an undertaking it is).
With this in mind and a deep breath, here goes:
This is above my main sewing area. The little storage compartment units aren't new - they're the same. But I have about a half zillion old bobbins and decided to put them to work. I wrapped my ribbons (by color) around them and they're now out in the open where I can see them.
Immediately adjacent to that is my television (I'm addicted to Bravo and True TV). It sits atop a shelf that sits atop my sewing table. It might be unconventional, but it provides more storage for me. And I DO need storage!
Right next to that is another work table with (of course) another shelf on it. Told you I need storage.
This is a temporary solution for the gobs of trim I have. I still have unused bobbins; maybe I'll do the ribbon thing with all this trim. (There's more behind what you can see in this pic)
Here is the closet under the stairs. I can see the floor! I have more fabric and some old frames stored in here.
This is the new old cabinet Hubby hung for me the other day. I can hide more stuff in here.
Yes, I have Hoarder Disorder but I'm trying to cure it by using everything I have before buying anything else. Kinda hard when you're an antiques dealer and constantly fixing, painting, recovering, etc. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
My BFF, Janet, has seen this in person when she visited a couple years ago from Kansas. So, Janet, do you see any improvement? LOL!


Margo said...

Thanks for the Award Sher, I'm honored. wow love your work space, and that "new old cabinet". What a great place to create, you've sure got lots of stuff.

View my blog at:

That Girl Ang said...

Oh Thank you GG! You are the best...

I truly appreciate the compliment & the award!

NJT said...

Thanks so much for thinking of me!

And your studio looks like it would be fun to play in!

Michele said...

I love your looks so comfy. I need to start on mine...wait, I don't even have one!!! Since we moved into the new house, I was going to use the porch, but it's a catch-all for boxes. I might have to work on that this weekend!


P.S. I laughed at your comment about being knee deep in ice..I was actually on my's a lot easier than bending over at my age!!!

Bebe said...

Hi Sher!

THANK YOU SO MUCH, dear friend, for the award!! You made me smile all day today and I am humbled by your generosity!! I've been enjoying your blog for the last few weeks, especially your canning stories. You are going to have some good eating with all those peaches! Could you throw a few down here to me in Georgia? LOL :) Seriously, they look mighty fine and you are so smart for working up your food like that. Canning is becoming a lost art and with the prices of food today, should definitely be brought back into use! Thanks again so much for the are a sweetie pie!! Hope you have a nice holiday weekend!!
Lots of hugs, Bebe :)

Janet C. Fish said...

I love your blog. I love your pictures. Today's pictures were extra special, because that's where you work!

I'm sorry I missed your call. We were out buying plumbing supplies. Got up this morning to a flood. Water line to the hot water heater broke.

That was special, sopping up water at 6 am when all I really wanted was a cup of coffee.

I'm exhausted. Love, Janet


Okay...I see you are working on your craft room and that is a good thing..mine it still as seen ... still hoping to get something done with winter :) We need to keep each other going in the right direction...have a great weekend!
Warmly, Deb :)

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I have told myself repeatedly-No More Supplies-only to find just one more thing I can't live without...LOL
Good luck with your efforts!!!

Janet C. Fish said...

That trick for stuffing corners would work on cloth doll noses. You gave that idea just in the nick of time! I've got a major project going and the corners hint will save me some aggravation with this big doll. I'll use that on elbows too. Anyplace there's a peak.

Janet C. Fish said...

Am I never going to learn to do one blog that says everything I wanted to say? I'm drifty lately.

When I saw your sewing room in person, I absolutely loved it. And I love the way it looks in your pictures. It's cozy and creative. I wish I could turn a room here into a sewing/art/craft room. As it is, our living room is our "studio." I do have room upstairs, but it's hard to keep it either cool enough or warm enough. Maybe one day I'll work on that.

Love, Janet

That Girl Ang said...

WOW - great hoarding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I am one too... i even hoard exclamation points.. LOL